I’ve been trying to figure out what to do with this newsletter thing. All the online media gurus, ninjas, and wizards say you need one, but I never know what to actually write in them. Especially these days. I used to be pretty brazen with sharing any and all opinions on topics I’d just watched a 5 minute video on, but life has worn me down to the point where I’m not certain about a single fucking thing anymore. It seems foolish to keep trying to pretend like I know something about anything.
That being said, the one thing I do know is what I enjoy. And, I love sharing what I enjoy with others. So, why not just make the newsletter that? A handful of things that have made life a bit more bearable for me and might do the same for you.
I’m gonna try to make it monthly, although, really, the goal is 12 a year. Which is why the January edition is in February. The February edition may be in March, and the March edition may never come out- past track record with these things considered. There’s really no telling what the future holds.
Anyway, here are a few things I love with some links to recent episodes of the podcast and an interview where I played the role of guest for a change. Enjoy.
Stay safe/sane,
Listen to this:

The Greeting Committee is one of those bands that I keep expecting to see in the feeds of my more tasteful friends but to this day, they seem to be a personal favourite that my circle don’t know about. Yet. I got heavily into their ‘This is It’ album during the early part of lockdown and it’s been a staple in musical diet ever since.
They merge indie and folk-rock music with an old-school soul influence that blurs the lines of pastiche and originality. I mean, everything is a pastiche of something, but they pull off some fun interpretations and blends of genres that give ‘This is It’ a lot of character. It’s adventurous whilst playing with classic sounds and it all just works for me.
Listen here: https://open.spotify.com/album/35H7mR1u6XET8YKvezYUkB
Check out the band’s newer work here: http://www.thegcband.com/
Watch this:

Ok, listen, my girlfriend and I are only 5 episodes into the 8-part series ‘The Night Of’ but, yussis, we are hooked. I lie awake at night thinking about this show between episodes. It’s a show where every shot and every line has meaning and drives the story forward. Truly gripping.
It’s about a young, straight-A, Muslim student who has the night of his life with a troubled damsel who’s depressed and wakes up to find her stabbed to death. Naturally, he’s charged with her murder although he says he doesn’t remember what happened. It’s a painstaking look at the slow wheels of “justice” and how those wheels crush the living class. It’s intentionally slow-paced so you have time to absorb both the text and the subtext.
You can currently watch it on Showmax.
Play This:

Mobile games are hella hit and miss with some being absolute masterpieces that somehow cost you nothing and others that are a nightmarish drag that cost you your soul. Skullgirls Mobile is the best fighting game I have played on mobile so far. Straight up. It’s free to play although they will regularly try to sell you loot boxes. You don’t need them at all though.
While I love it for its gorgeous and hilarious character design, the gameplay is rather dynamic for relatively simple controls. I have the PC version (which is a fantastic fighting game in its own right) but have found myself playing the mobile version more because I’m constantly trying to level up my characters during smoke breaks.
Check it out here: https://skullgirlsmobile.com/

DORMANTYOUTH aka Thelma Ndebele is a DJ and an architect. Weirdly enough, it was through doing their dissertation that they became a DJ (or “clang curator” as they put it), but I’m gonna let them tell you that story on the podcast. DORMANTYOUTH has only been DJing for about 3 years yet they’ve earned a resident slot with Vogue Nights JHB, regularly plays Pussy Party, and have played virtual sets for the likes of Boiler Room and CTM. They’re definitely someone you should have your eyes and ears on if you don’t already.

Rose Bonica is a music producer, 3D animator, and owner of the record label Roses are Red. In the four years that she’s been making music, Rose has quickly become your favourite producer’s favourite producer with her incredibly emotive compositions. While her career skyrocketed in 2020, it was a rather tough year emotionally and creatively for Rose.

More Indie is a relatively new website with a focus on underground South African music and culture. They’ve consistently been putting out a lot of dope interviews with interesting cats so it was an honour when they asked me to answer a few questions for them. We get into podcasting, freelance writing, and comedy.