Heat City Comedy Festival Interview with Morning Live • Almost Perfect

Heat City Comedy Festival Interview with Morning Live

The Heat City Comedy Festival is a comedy festival that I founded in 2016. The inspiration for the festival was to try and create a platform for Durban comics to shine whilst bringing in some of the freshest and funniest talent from around the country. With the third edition, we went bigger than ever. More venues, more shows, and more comedians. As far as I can tell, it’s Durban’s most ambitious comedy festival. No other festival has showcased as many local comics as the Heat City Comedy Festival. While some promoters like to focus on the big names, I’ve always believed in building the scene around me.

As part of the promotional run for the festival, I found myself on national TV at the crack of dawn. My job was to try and convince the public to come and join us for a few laughs. I’d say it went pretty well. I’ve had the privilege of being on national TV a handful of times, but this was special. It’s quite a moment when you get to talk about something that you’ve created and believed in.

I’d like to give a huge thank you to the Morning Live team for having me on to promote the Heat City Comedy Festival. And thank you to Illa Thompson from Publicity Matters for handling the publicity for the festival.

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