Luke Molver - Almost Perfect Podcast #32 • Almost Perfect

Luke Molver – Almost Perfect Podcast #32

Luke Molver is an illustrator, writer, and comic book creator. He’s independently created his own universes and pushed his own titles for years, but recently he’s been hired to work on a series of books about Shaka Zulu. The first book has already received praise and awards both locally and internationally. Luke is deeply passionate about comics and creative storytelling and has MANY opinions on both. You’re in for an entertaining interview. 

Luke and I get into what it’s like to exhibit at conventions across from your idols, why he hates superheroes, and why he can’t stick to one genre. We also dig into his misspent youth as a rapper, the struggles of publishing comics independently, and what it’s finally like to see one of his books in colour. Luke is a prime example of following your passion and finding ways to create what you want with the resources you have until others take notice. He went from drawing in his bedroom to being invited to cons around the world. Learn how he did it and take a deep pop culture dive with us.

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Keep up with Luke Molver on Instagram and his website.

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