Haji Mohamed Dawjee - Almost Perfect Podcast #130 • Almost Perfect

Haji Mohamed Dawjee – Almost Perfect Podcast #130

Haji Mohamed Dawjee is an author, editor, and columnist. You’ve probably read her weekly column on EWN or know her from her work with Mail & Guardian. Perhaps, you’ve even seen her tweeting passionately about tennis, but this podcast is mostly about her latest book of essays, “Here’s The Thing”.

In this episode, we learn how the book shifted and evolved from what Haji originally set out to write and how long COVID affected her work. We hear about her experiences with online mobs and their pitchforks, and discuss the nuances between print and online media. We also hear how her grandfather instilled a deep love of writing in her, how she’d use an hourglass to go to “writing gym”, and we get into the joys and pains of publishing in South Africa. Enjoy.

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